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We collect unwanted virgin hair extensions and recycle them onto further use towards constructing high quality wigs. 

Our main target consumer is aimed towards females suffering from hair loss, who will benefit from any wig donation free of charge.


We want to ensure that we supply our costumers with the best leaving them feeling confident and beautiful with a style that they desire, so we are happy to say that we also offer free private consultations with trained staff who are experienced within the hairdressing sector with a great understanding towards our products and strive to deliver the best service possible, as we know opening up about the effect of hair loss can be nerve wrecking. we at 'Hair4you' are here to help and take privacy and dignity very important in all that we do.


Although our main target consumer is aimed at females suffering from hair loss, 'Hair4you' are unique in what we do and thats why we have left our doors open so that all females whatever the age, ethnicity or race whether you are suffering from hair loss or not, we want to include you in our organisation, allowing you the ability to buy high quality virgin hair wigs all for £60, also with use of a free private consultation.


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